It was a wonderful visit to West Palm Beach and see my old friends with the Begonia Society of the Palm Beaches. Virginia is doing better, Frances was a spectacular hostess and hospitality-in-charge as I was so comfortable, and even treated to a wonderful breakfast - and even better, great conversation with her hubby, Keith, there too. The program I did was on "Tricks of the Trade" as I offered little tidbits of information in growing begonias. I brought a Hyundai full of plants and sold every one, and donated a nice 'Honeymoon Island' for their gardens. It will get huge and look wonderful. Thanks to everyone at the BSPB. I look forward to a future visit!
B. 'Aripeka' - sister seedling to 'Honeymoon Island' |
Gregory - Where can I find B. 'Aripeka' & Honeymoon Island here in Florida, they look wonderful!